Sunday, December 30, 2007

Winter Photography Tips

Brrrr. Yep, it's cold here in the mountains of northern Utah. However, that doesn't stop me, and shouldn't stop you from venturing out into the snow for short intervals of time to snap a few wonderful nature pics. I love the way icicles form on my pine trees and building eaves. Just bundle yourself up with warm clothing, and even if it's snowing, go out with your digital camera and snap a few shots. You might surprise yourself when you see the results. Always digitally enhance these photos unless there is a blue sky that helps the contrast. Snow can photograph rather blue shifted, so be sure to set your white balance to more neutral, and when you get the photos onto your computer, don't forget to use "levels" and fix your color and contrast there as well. Winter does not have to mean you sit indoors bored out of your mind. Be smart about your attire, and take a few minutes every other day, and go out and shoot...Here are some of my results above :-)

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